Saturday, January 17, 2009

going hi-tech

Hi everybody,

Looks like Van Jr is finally going to go hi-tech. We've been on dial-up for such a long time that we are going to have to do some catching up with family and friends. We live so far out of town that we had to break down and get sat. internet $$$$, way to expensive we'll have to see if it's worth it or not. Our oldest son , Wyatt, has a couple of online courses for high school this year and we just had to do something.

Life is busy this year just like every year, but at least work has slowed down and I get home at a reasonable time. This would sound like a break but teaching early morning seminary has used up all of that "free" time. I wouldn't have it any other way. I told Amy after Christmas break got over and seminary started back up that I realized just how much I missed my lessons and students. I hope I have the opportunity to teach for a few years even though it is very time consuming. It has been a great blessing to our family.

-- Van

From the mom -- "I'm running so far behind I though I was first!" This is my motto so far this year. But life is good, I wouldn't want it any other way. I wish I could spend more time with them to cherish them -- if I could just get a little patience!

-- Amy

Rachel -- She's healthier than ever, but still doesn't eat, and we don't know what causes her pain. She has medicine to control her stomach pain, but it doesn't always work. We have a new doctor in Chicago, and a feeding clinic in Springfield, IL. We'll see how things go. Could be so much worse, and we're so thankful. She's normal except for the eating/pain thing. She's four. We're so grateful for good medical insurance!

The boys had lots of fun this summer swimming in the pool never having to do any work. Although they say that is not true, their white bodies were quite brown by the end of summer.

Van loves to go trail-riding and enjoys going with friends, and family. Even Amy has gone a few times!

This past summer, Ty began to learn to break his first horse -- Wily -- a 2-year old. Ty did a good job

At McDonald's after a rodeo. The kids loved sitting on the saddles.

This past spring, Van castrated two horses -- our stallion, Buck, who has sired 2 of our horses, and Porter -- who is in this picture. He's only a year old here. The kids watched intenetly, glad that they weren't the poor victims.

Here's Buck, a beautiful stallion who shines like gold in the sun.

Ryan -- Has a very affectionate heart!

Ty -- wake-boarding with some friends of ours from church.


  1. Great job for your first posts! We're so excited to be able to catch up with you all. You have such a lovely family. I can't believe how much those boys have grown, into little men! And Rachel is beautiful - she's going to be a knockout when she's older, that's for sure! Van and Amy, you two are such awesome parents!

  2. Van & Amy,

    It was great to see the site and get updated on your family. They are growing! Sounds like everyone is busy.

    FYI I have taken the liberty to add your blog site to the dean hansen blog site. Here is the addressfor it:

    Go check it out.

    There is also a email account that is set up for the dean hansen family where you can go in there and enter your contact info there. I am trying to get everyone to do it, then we will have an instant, current directory of everyone.

    Email me at and i will give you the address and password to it.

    Also, Trav is engaged. Marriage will be on May 5th at the Logan Temple. Hope to see ya there! :)

    Love you all

  3. Welcome to cyber space........................................
