Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is it going to be April already?

Time flies doesn't it! Yes, April is around the corner. We're thinking about the garden, school getting out soon, and a million other things. Here is what's been goin' on 'round here for the last little while. -- Miscellaneous pictures and comments will show you how life is for us. We can't complain (or shouldn't), but sometimes we do. Whether we do or not, we're always genuinely grateful at the end of the day.

Grandpa and Rachel have a good time together!

Van told me to smile one morning before church.

Sunday afternoon, taken at Grandma's before the kids abandoned their ties.

Wyatt at the piano. He's getting pretty good and is fun to listen to.

Van's been working on each of the horses, filing down their hooves and trimming them as needed. He likes being a cowboy.

Ryan had a Kite derby for cub scouts. This one is made from wrapping paper and thin wooden dowels. It flew wonderfully, except it crashed into a tree and disintegrated. Van fixed up another kite that was broken and Ryan took that to the derby and his flew the highest. He was happy.

Everyone loves the trampoline and after lots of jumping and tricks one afternoon, they all got together for a silly picture. 

Would you just look at that hair! It's so long. I'm going to trim it soon, but for now I just put it in a big braid in the back and have fun doing it for church. It is so thick I have to use heavy duty clips and rubber bands to hold it in place.


  1. Fun pictures! What a handsome family all ready for church. And I can't get over Rachel's hair! Amy, I got your message the other day about the family picture. I had to order a print because I keep all our photos on the computer, and as soon as it comes I'll mail it to you. Probably a good idea to get the kids familiar with all the cousins and other relatives they'll be spending time with this summer at the family reunion - we can't wait to see you all! Take care.

  2. Hi this is Jenny (Aunt Donna's daughter) Your family is so cute! I can't believe how long your daughters hair is. And I loved seeing Van work on the horses hoof. It reminded me of my grandpa. Thanks for posting your sons kite. David and I do scouts and I think making kites would be a great idea.
