The end of February brought the Blue & Glold banquet.
Ryan made a Purple Heart Medal themed cake.

This is just a taste of the nice 70 deg. days that was the end of February.

Then March 1st, high temp. 30 degrees.

Here is the latest addition to the farm, and no it's not the rooster. Look closer and meet Jenny, our black angus heifer, soon to be served with potatoes and carrots.

On March 6th Wyatt turned 14, we had quite the crowd up for his birthday, it was a lot of fun.

Great-grandma even got some video game lessons that night compliments of Ty and Ryan.
I can't believe you have a 14 year old!! Such cute kids. Well, at least you enjoyed some nice weather, as a reprive from the winter. Hopefully spring will be here soon, to stay...take care you guys!